
The Christian life begins with the new birth and just like babies, the new believer has vital needs and stages of growth. He needs to be loved, nurtured and nourished in order to grow and be established as a child of God. Fortunately, he can count on the help of the Holy Spirit and the local church, who together will help him and respond to his needs.

At the time of the new birth, the new believer already has the support of three important elements.

He first benefits from redemption in Jesus Christ, which gives him a new identity, unlike what was experienced before. The new believer is now a child of God (Romans 8.16) justified by faith (Romans 5.1), sanctified (Ephesians 2.19), glorified (Colossians 3.4), citizen of heaven (Philippians 3.20), heir of God (Galatians 4.7) and beyond.

Just like a child, he will learn to take his first steps under the watchful eye of God and the church. Through his walk he will have the privilege of experiencing even more of God's grace, he will suffer falls, but his Heavenly Father will take his hand and he will not be brought down (Psalm 37.24).

He will not walk according to the counsel of the wicked (Psalm 1:1), but will put his feet on the steps of Jesus, who is the true way (John 14:6). he will rise to walk in the so-called holy way (Isaiah 35:8) without moving the ancient landmarks (Proverbs 23:10) using God's Word as a light on his path (Psalm 119:105).

Care for faith growth

Remember that FAITH is a gift from God. It is not from our intellect or our ability to do that faith comes. You can then pray and ask God to increase your faith, since you already believe (Mark 9:23-24)

1. meditate on God's word

As a Christian, you must read and meditate on God's Word each day that God gives you. Through the meditated Word, God speaks to you, communicates His thoughts to you. 

God also visits you and reveals Himself to you. God's Word will nourish your soul, strengthen it, encourage it, and invigorate it. Just as you take care of your body and nourish it, it is even more important to take care of your soul as well. 

It is in this that you will grow in the knowledge of God by his word and your faith will grow. The Lord also exhorts us on this subject in Matthew 4:4 - "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."

2. Put God's Word into practice

Meditating on the Holy Scriptures is good, but putting into practice what God says is even better.

When faced with a challenge, for example, you always have a promise from God. A proper word from God will accompany you, grab it, and put it into practice. Challenges such as trials in life are situations that can help you experience God's word and grow in your faith.

3. A life of constant prayer

Have a constant and regular prayer life. Be grateful to your Creator. Bless Him at all times, in all places, and in all circumstances. Make a habit of praising God because He invites Himself into the midst of worship. 

Make the Holy Spirit your best ally and faithful counselor. Get used to seeking God's face in silence and recollection, "the one to one with God in the intimacy of his infinite love for you. Develop trust in God and in his word. 

Trust Him with everything, ask Him questions if necessary. He has much to offer you, but be faithful and patient in His presence, God will surprise you at the unexpected moment and your faith will grow even more.

4. Fear and obedience

Knowing God's will and His priorities allows us to better serve Him in fear and obedience. You have God's favor by practicing obedience. Psalms 103:13 "As a father pities his children, so the Lord pities those who fear him."