What if we made generosity a way of life, a habit, or even a natural thing? Start this day with some keys to help this commitment, every day, to be a little more generous.

Prayer of the day
Lord Jesus, give me strength
And especially help me to be more generous
When the world leads me in the direction of selfishness;
Help me to feel the generosity,
with kindness,
And respond to selfishness with generosity.
Give me to enter into your way of seeing.
Give me to look like you as much as possible,
So I can be your witness
And a ray of your light.
Message and thought of the day
Our modern society, often described as "individualistic," nevertheless experiences immense outbursts of generosity after natural disasters, tragedies... Why wait for the worst to take care of our neighbor's well-being, to put the needs of our loved ones before our own? Generosity is learned and cultivated, and we will see that it does not pass only in the giving of our material things.
There is no degree of generosity, every gift is loaded with love! So try to put these few tips into practice, it seems that generosity makes you very happy and it's not me who says: "There is more happiness in giving than in receiving!" (Acts 20, 35)
Think of those who have less
"Because of this generosity, the Lord your God will bless you in everything you do. There will always be poor people in your country, so I command you to be generous with your unfortunate and poor countrymen." (Moses, Deuteronomy 15, 10-11)
From an early age, a child is able to understand that he has received much, more than others, and that some people are in terrible misery. To enable this awareness in the child, several small actions and habits can be put in place.
As Christmas approaches, for example, it is common in some families to ask children to collect games that are no longer used (without breaking them!). Giving your toys a second life can also be done at other times during the year: big spring cleaning, hospital visits, or relatives in a difficult financial situation.
Small gestures
Many small "anonymous" gestures are possible in everyday life: donating blood, putting a bag of cookies or a good home-cooked meal in front of the door of a lonely, widowed or sick neighbor, leaving books under a bus stop that you appreciate, just for the pleasure of knowing that they will be read and certainly appreciated by others.
"Because of this generosity, the Lord your God will bless you in everything you do. There will always be poor people in your country, so I command you to be generous with your unfortunate and poor countrymen." (Deuteronomy 15:10-11)
Generosity does not necessarily involve the giving of material goods. Generosity requires kindness. While this is quite natural for some, it requires special effort for others. Kindness involves paying attention to our neighbor, whether we know him or not. Our attitude toward those around us can be changed by a few more smiles, a listening ear that holds back, and a look that wants to be tender.
With much faith and positivity, she writes for the Oração e Fé daily, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.