It is not always easy to get out of bed in the morning. We even tend to drag our feet. And we end up running because we are late for work or to take the kids to school. So how do you start the day right? How do you leave home in the morning in the best mood? Simple: say a prayer.

Prayer of the day
Lord, make me
a sower of smiles.
Let them be laughing and never ironic,
Radiant and never dismissive,
Welcoming and never closed.
Give my smile
the miracle of bringing
a little strength for the weak,
a little confidence for the desperate,
a little happiness for the isolated.
Enrich me with joy
of bringing smiles to life.
Sir, please,
inhabit my face and my heart.
Lord, You are my solidity and my strength.
In you, I can lean when I am weak
Or when I can't see clearly.
You don't change,
Even if I am played
Through the ebb and flow of life.
In you, I dwell in confidence.
I don't lose my balance in the present moment.
I keep hope for the future,
In the unknown and the unexpected.
I love You my God, my rock, my fortress!
Message and thought of the day
Running around, we are no longer aware of anything, not even ourselves. In other words, we become a kind of machine that has a lot of things to do today and that's it.
In other words, we no longer see our emotions, but also our body.
This is why we should not be surprised when we get sick or some part of our body starts to hurt.
In fact, we mistreat ourselves a bit by wanting to go too fast and do too much.
Therefore, to start the day well, it is essential to have a moment for our body.
To this end, I wholeheartedly invite you to look yourself in the eye in the mirror when brushing your teeth.
And say to yourself this sentence: "Thank you, God, for my body, for my health, and for this new day.
In fact, it is essential to remember that our body is our best ally in this life. Without it, we would not be here.
So in the beginning, when I started to look myself in the eye, I felt embarrassed, but this is normal. Now it amuses me a lot. In addition to this phrase for my body, I add, "I love and accept myself as I am."
Because I often have negative thoughts that hold on to what went wrong the day before, so with this phrase, I forgive myself for my mistakes and make peace with yesterday.
With much faith and positivity, she writes for the Oração e Fé daily, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.