
So many things demand our attention and our energy: our work, our children, our spouse, our hobbies - these are the normal demands of life. And we must be careful not to let them take over our relationship with God.

In the first of the Ten Commandments, God commands us to have no gods other than Him (Exodus 20:3). And we read in Deuteronomy (5:8-9): "Thou shalt not make unto thee any image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters lower than the earth. bow not thyself unto them, nor worship them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God."

Of all these things that demand our time, our money, our thoughts and our attention, how many have taken the place that should belong to God? Change that fact with this prayer.

Prayer of the day

Dear God, I come to you now, not seeking comfort or asking, but thanking you for all that you do for my loved ones and for me.

Thank you for filling my life with blessings, even those I don't yet understand. I know that in your infinite wisdom, every test you put me through contains great help, and I am infinitely grateful to you.

Thank you, with each new dawn, for giving me the opportunity to contemplate the wonders of your creation, and to have the health that follows.

Thank you for never abandoning me and for providing us with our daily bread, for the work, for the family, for the friends, for all the people who came into our lives.

Thank you for being my peace, my comfort, my salvation, for giving me the strength I need to go on each day.

Thank you for every single blessing you give me and for always being there at every moment.

In his name, I say, Amen!"

Message and thought of the day

The key to living the abundant life God offers us - his love, peace, and joy - is to give him his rightful place in our priorities. God told Abraham: "Live in my presence always and be blameless" (Genesis 17:1). Notice that God's requirement is that we always live before him. To do this, we must make a habit of praying, worshiping him, and regularly devoting time to the study of his Word.

I love God's Word. It is extraordinary! There is wisdom, encouragement, comfort and inspiration for every imaginable problem. It brings peace and stability to our spirit and renews our mind (Romans 12:2). Dive into its pages with pleasure!

Why keep God first

Let your goal be to have a deep and intimate relationship with God. Open all areas of your life to Him. If you are constantly looking for answers and signs of approval from others, take that question to God and ask Him to help you look to Him. (Thessalonians 2:4). For the one who strives to please Him, God promises to bless and prosper him.

If you decide to serve God with all your heart and put him first in your life, your soul will flourish and your joy and peace will increase. Lean on him first and tell him, "Lord, I want to do it, but I can't do it without You". He doesn't expect you to live for him in your own strength and is understanding when you make mistakes.