Throughout the day we have to work on patience: whether in a traffic jam, in a bank line, or waiting for an answer. Patience is necessary to be able to face life's challenges. So before anything else, to start your day with patience, pray.

Prayer of the day
God, I know that in all things you are good and that you care for us. But Lord, my heart is very heavy today, and it is going to be a very difficult day. I am really worried/angry at ________. Please calm my heart and remind me that you are always in control. Help me to seek rest and peace in you, because I know I won't find the same comfort anywhere else today.
Only you can soothe my heart and comfort me on days like this God, and I know that you want nothing more than to wrap me in your arms. Remind me of the ways in which you have been faithful and loving before. You are my Good Father, and I know that you are listening and caring. I lay this situation at your feet God. Please help me to leave it there.
Thought and message of the day: Be patient!
Patience comes from trust. David said, "Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and eat faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will grant you what your heart desires" (vv.3-4). God has a plan for everyone that includes things that are unattainable today but will be enjoyed tomorrow.
In the spring, the grass grows by itself. So there is no need to struggle to do today what will be easy to achieve tomorrow. When a baby is denied what is not good for him, he stomps his feet and cries, but we do not give in to him because he is not ready yet. Paul writes, "Put on ardent compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience" (Col. 3:12).
God not only teaches you to wait, but also to look good. James writes, "Patience must perform a perfect work, so that you may be perfect and complete, and lack nothing" (James 1 :4). He allows life's difficulties to teach us these important principles.
1) Keep the faith when times are tough.
2) Show grace under pressure by controlling our reactions.
3) Develop new skills and better ways of thinking.
In fact, God is developing in us, right now, qualities that cannot be developed in any other way. Later on, we will know how to manage what he has planned. So don't let yourself be shaken by the enemy and say like David, "Be silent before the Lord, wait for Him with patience."
With much faith and positivity, she writes for the Oração e Fé daily, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.