Prayer for not breaking up with someone ─ Purely rational love (pure will) does not seek God with affective love, which includes delusion, joy, peace, contentment. Normally, praying should not be painful or overwhelming, but a pleasant, encouraging, desirable task.
This does not mean that the value of prayer is confused with the feelings felt: in the life of prayer there are also moments when the affections seem to be lacking, and the great masters of spirituality have spoken of the passive purges that the Lord allows in the lives of the saints. However, what we want to emphasize is that, if prayer is of the whole person, in it the affections are integrated with the intelligence and will.
Example of a prayer for not ending a relationship
Love can only happen between specific people. It is not possible to fall in love with a code or an abstraction. That is why prayer, including its affective dimension, is based on faith in a God who is a Person: "Christian prayer is always determined by the structure of Christian faith, in which the very truth of God and of creation radiates. Therefore, strictly speaking, it is a personal, intimate and profound dialogue between man and God ... an exodus from the I of man to the You of God. Christian prayer is always authentically personal.
Prayer for not breaking up and to get stronger
Dear God,
My heart is pure, my intentions are clear,
I ask you to guide me and help me
to keep my relationship, with my most perfect partner
I am looking for stability in the relationship,
that makes me better by its own being
May it bring more love, joy, peace and prosperity into my life
May I love fully and may I receive my love fully
May you love me, honor me and cherish me completely, and always
May I remain by the side of my true love;
That I let love in
May I be ready to let my soul know the truth
Let my heart be open and my head clear
May my life be ready to embrace true love;
Prayer for not breaking up with someone
"O Mary, pure light of heaven, joy of Angels and Archangels, sweet happiness of the elect, your name is the glory of Paradise as it is the consolation of Earth, your praises will be sung forever and ever! And you are my mother, so why is your son not happy with your happiness? Hail, Love and Glory to Mary, Queen of Heaven!
I am happy with your happiness, O beautiful and pure Mary, happy with this look of Love that the Holy Trinity has on you! This happiness that you have, O sweet Mary, place it in my troubled courtship, because misunderstanding and discord reign!
Intervene, sweet Mother, before the words and gestures of hatred overtake everyone's mind; before the rupture becomes irreversible, before the love that unites these beings is swallowed up by the forces of Evil and its henchmen! Intervene, tender Mother, before the evil one can boast of a new victory over those souls who have promised themselves to God!
May your Love, your Gentleness and your Compassion enter into these devastated hearts, to eliminate hatred, anger, resentment, and install there forever tenderness and understanding, respect for others, and revive the love that must never die, because it is God's gift to Earth! I implore you, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen"
Strengthen your relationship with prayer!
One of the most important parts of the journey to find true love is faith. You have to believe in your faith to meet your soulmate and trust that there is someone special, just for you.
For those times when you feel that true love is slipping away from you or your soulmate will never find you, try these prayers to bring you closer to love. Pray for healing from past hurt, pray to be ready for true and healthy love, and pray for the soulmate that should be by your side in life.
When two loving souls meet, it is a beautiful thing. Use prayers to ask for true love.
My name is Maria. I am passionate about theology and I have been writing about the religious world for 5 years. I am curious and research everything about the religions around the world. I love researching the curiosities that guide the most varied doctrines in different countries and languages. Today, I am an editor and love to share my knowledge on the portal Prayer and Faith.