Knowing what the benefits of faith are for human beings is very important, because some benefits that religiosity can offer people have already been proven by science. For this, we present the main benefits.
Learn about the benefits of faith for the human being
Although it seems that science hates churches and religiosity, know that this is not true. Because science aims to study ways to provide more well-being to people, it has been studying the benefits of faith to the human being.
During this study of groups of people who are Christians, it was concluded that having faith has benefits. So, throughout this article you will see how your faith can contribute to your health.
Thus, faith can be good for both your mental and physical health. It is worth noting that the researchers came to this conclusion through people who live their faith in a healthy way, that is, where there is no punishment for having faith, it is of the person's own free will. So check out more details about each of the topics below!
Mental Health
The first benefit that was proven by the scientists was a better quality in the mental health of these people who had faith. During the experiments, the moments of prayer were studied and observed, and in what way they interfered with the health of these people.
It has been proven that during the prayers people exercise their gratitude, so that this causes them a well-being, a feeling of satisfaction with life. In turn, this feeling prevented them from feeling intense sadness when facing moments of difficulty, so they had fewer cognitive distortions, that is, distorted thoughts about their future.
Remembering that the benefits of faith for the human being have been studied since the 1980s by the World Health Organization (WHO). During these years, several studies on this theme have been carried out in different countries around the world. Therefore, faith can help people overcome depression and anxiety.
More physical health
In addition to helping people's mental health, faith enables people to have better physical health. For Christians, the group studied by the research, because they believe that their body is a temple of God, they feel a duty to take good care of their body so that they can receive the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6.19-20).
Thus, the people in the studies begin to eat more healthily, practice physical activity, and even take better care of their beauty. Consequently, as a positive result these people are less likely to develop diabetes, hypertension, respiratory diseases, strokes, and kidney problems, for example.
Finally, know that in 2001 a study was conducted in the United States National Center on Addiction and Drug Abuse, where it came to the result that people who do not follow a religion, do consume more drugs and alcohol than those who follow a religion. That is, people who do not consider religion important in their lives do not care as much about their health as those who have faith.
Social Interactions
Finally, having faith allows you to socialize, and this is very important for human well-being and optimal mental health. After all, we are social beings, since our existence we have always been in groups, so even if a person is introverted and likes to stay more at home, at some point he or she needs social interactions.
So, to prove this hypothesis, studies were conducted in Europe where most people who had faith said that they participated in some group related to the church they attended. By having a sense of community, where a person makes friends, they have a support network they can rely on in times of difficulty.
In light of all the above, there is no longer any doubt about the many benefits that faith can provide. Able to change the way a person thinks and interfere with how he or she feels, faith has begun to be studied and has come to the conclusion that it has benefits.

My name is Maria. I am passionate about theology and I have been writing about the religious world for 5 years. I am curious and research everything about the religions around the world. I love researching the curiosities that guide the most varied doctrines in different countries and languages. Today, I am an editor and love to share my knowledge on the portal Prayer and Faith.