When we talk about gratitude to God, we often think of thanking him for what he is to us and for his blessings, and rightly so! In fact, God's Word encourages us to be thankful in all things: "At all times and for all things give thanks to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Ephesians 5:20). Being thankful is not just something you do once in a while. So start your day by thanking God in prayer.

Prayer of the day
Dear Sir,
Thank you for all the people in my life and the opportunities I have to serve and appreciate them. God, I'll be honest - today is becoming a bit oppressive and busy. I pray that you will soothe my heart and take away all the stress and anxiety.
Matthew 6:27 reminds us that worry cannot add a single moment to our lives, and I pray that you will help me to remember that today in my activity. But I also pray that you will give me joy, God!
Help me to appreciate the things and people around me, and remember to take time to breathe. God, even if not everything gets done, or if something unexpected happens, I know that you will always be glorified, and that you are always good. Thank you for having control over the busy days, and I ask all this in your name,
Message of the day: Be grateful!
According to God's Word, it is a constant attitude, a way of life, that must manifest itself in everyday life, because it is part of God's will: "Thank God in all circumstances: such is the will for you that God has expressed in Jesus Christ" (Thessalonians 5:18). This verse also shows us that we need to learn to be thankful even when situations are difficult or don't work out for us.
God's Word also shows us another way to be thankful. In most of his letters to the churches, the apostle Paul writes: "I express my gratitude to God whenever I think of you; I pray for all of you on all occasions, and it is always with joy that I do so" (Philippians 1:3-4).
To the Thessalonians, Paul will say again, "We should always thank God for you, brothers, and it is right that we should do so. Indeed, your faith is progressing magnificently, and in each of you the love you have for one another never ceases to increase" (Thessalonians 1:3).
This attitude of thanking God for our brothers and sisters is very important because it teaches us to see our fellow-servants with God's eyes, to admire the manifestation of Christ in their lives. This will encourage us, give us more love for our brothers and sisters instead of seeing their faults and criticizing them, and finally, all this gives glory to the Lord!
With much faith and positivity, she writes for the Oração e Fé daily, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.