God's mercies are renewed every morning, which is why we bring you this beautiful Prayer to start the day, for the Lord to take control and show us the grace of His good will.

Prayer of the day
There is no better way to start a new day than to go into the presence of our Heavenly Father, pray, and rest in His hands. When we lift up a prayer to start the day each morning, as believers in the living God and in Christ Jesus, we activate blessings in heaven.
"Father God today I wake up thanking you for opening my eyes to a new day.
Thank you oh God for Jesus Christ in my life and your everlasting mercies.
Through this prayer, I praise You, my Lord, recognizing that You are noble and almighty.
You alone are worthy of all praise and glory, amen.
I call upon you to start this day by trusting Him.
I will see the sure manifestation of your good will and mercy.
God, in Jesus' name, take control of my life.
And may heaven come to me on this day with its blessings.
Guide me Lord, direct my steps at all times and in all places.
You are a mighty God in whom I delight.
So I know that you fulfill the requests of my heart.
Oh God, in Jesus' name, I ask you today to open the heavens.
And activate its blessings and mercies.
So that whatever I may do today will be crowned with success.
According to His good, pleasing and perfect will,
Thank you, God. Amen!"
Message and thought for the day: be resilient!
Despite a difficult life and the worst trials unimaginable, some people still manage to recover and find happiness, while others sink into sadness and depression at the slightest negative event. This ability to bounce back in life is called resilience.
Resilience is our ability to face the crises and challenges of everyday life with the help of our personal and social resources and use them as an opportunity for development.
Resilience does not mean denying adversity and pretending that nothing happened so that you can move on. On the contrary, you have to face events. It is a dynamic process that extends over a more or less long time and that allows the Christian to go through his trials and even come out of them stronger.
With much faith and positivity, she writes for the Oração e Fé daily, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.